February 27 Deadline: Seeking Graduate Student Public Interest Technology Research for Campus Exhibit

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The Responsible Technology Coalition (RTC) invites graduate students from all departments to submit physical representations of their public interest technology-related research to be part of an exhibit that will take place in the Science and Engineering Library in the Lederle Graduate Research Center low rise during the spring semester. An opening reception for the exhibit is scheduled for 4-6 p.m. on April 2. The RTC, a student group focused on issues related to responsible technology across academia, industry and government, is collaborating with the Public Interest Technology Initiative at UMass (PIT@UMass) along with the PIT-Club to curate the exhibit. The RTC is committed to seeing that technology is ethical, accountable and dedicated to the advancement of dialogue, policy and practice around responsible technology at UMass and society at large. The exhibit aims to educate the campus community about PIT and highlight PIT-related…

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December 14 Event: Grappling with the Generative AI Revolution

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Join Xiao-Li Meng (Harvard University) and the editors of the Harvard Data Science Review (HDSR) for a stimulating virtual panel entitled, “Future Shock: Grappling with the Generative AI Revolution." The conversation, and the HDSR publication of the same name scheduled to be published in January, will explore the broad spectrum of questions raised by recent advancements in foundation models and generative AI tools like ChatGTP, including:To what extent are these advancements presenting contemporary society with dangers of future shock?To what degree and how is the accelerating pace of the generative AI revolution putting novel, and potentially unsustainable, pressures on accepted norms and practices of scientific research, teaching, scholarship, and academic publication?How is the hasty industrialization of this set of technologies impacting broader social, cultural, economic, political, and legal structures, dynamics, and institutions? How can policymakers, regulators, civil society organizations, and…

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November 17 Event: PIT Pathways Seminar: The End User Voice in Internet Policy

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The Multistakeholder Model is described as a framework that encourages the engagement of various stakeholders in Internet Policy Development Processes (PDPs). These stakeholders include governments, technical community, standards bodies, civil society, research institutions and businesses, among others. In this talk, Sarah Kiden will explore the role of the model through the lens of the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) - a constituency that represents the interests of end users to ICANN. She will highlight some initiatives that she has been involved in, and share insights relevant to Public Interest Technology. Sarah Kiden is a Public Interest Technologist and Design Researcher working at the intersection of technology and society. As a Marie Curie Research Fellow, she is completing a joint industrial PhD between Northumbria University (UK) and Mozilla. Her current research interests include the exploration of policy…

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November 16 Event: How does the Design of Health Technologies Impact Pregnant People & Families Under State Surveillance?

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Sponsored by the IALS Center for Personalized Health Monitoring’s Health Tech for the People (HT4P) research thrust, and grounded in principles of design justice, this monthly workshop series features voices from the community speaking to the role and impacts of health technologies and data systems. Following the listening session, attendees are invited to discuss what they’ve heard and share their own knowledge and skills, resources, and ideas for how we might work towards health justice and more ethical and accountable data landscapes and technologies. Students, staff, community members, and faculty from any & all disciplines are invited to join the conversation! A light lunch will be provided. SPEAKER: Nurse Midwife AMY WALKER of Mass General Brigham Cooley Dickinson Hospital’s New Beginnings Program. Moderated by nursing PhD candidate CORY ELLEN GATRALL WHEN: Thursday, November 16, 11:30…

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December 8 Event: TechnoLegacy/AnalogWake: A Death Teach-In and Skillshare

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Please join us for TechnoLegacy/AnalogWake: A Death Teach-In and Skillshare on December 8, 2023, at the Institute of Applied Life Sciences Conference Center or via Zoom from 1200-1600 ET for a transdiciplinary, multimedia learning space to explore a variety of perspectives from human-centered technologies and art to nursing and women, gender, and sexuality studies to think about something we all too often try not to think about: death and what comes next.This shared time will include community art-making, storytelling, and talks from a variety of speakers, including Tamara Kneese, who will discuss her recent book Death Glitch: How Technosolutionism Fails Us in this Life and the Beyond and end of life navigator, poet, and UMass alumna Dina Stander, who will speak to death care and community. Others will also join us. In addition to speakers,…

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November 29 Event: “Towards An AI Accountability Policy” Part II

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The Responsible Technology Coalition will host two events in November to discuss the white paper “Towards an AI Accountability Policy,” co-written by UMass Amherst faculty and students in response to the “AI Accountability Policy Request for Comments” by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the United States. The white paper offers a set of interconnected recommendations for an AI accountability policy.Part two of this conversation will feature UMass Amherst doctoral student Nicholas Perello as he discusses his contributions to the white paper. He’ll be focusing on the white paper’s discussion of fairness and explainability in AI policymaking. Pizza will be providedSPEAKER: NICHOLAS PERELLOWHEN: November 29, 6:00 p.m.View the white paper | Register

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