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Please join us for TechnoLegacy/AnalogWake: A Death Teach-In and Skillshare on December 8, 2023, at the Institute of Applied Life Sciences Conference Center or via Zoom from 1200-1600 ET for a transdiciplinary, multimedia learning space to explore a variety of perspectives from human-centered technologies and art to nursing and women, gender, and sexuality studies to think about something we all too often try not to think about: death and what comes next.

This shared time will include community art-making, storytelling, and talks from a variety of speakers, including Tamara Kneese, who will discuss her recent book Death Glitch: How Technosolutionism Fails Us in this Life and the Beyond and end of life navigator, poet, and UMass alumna Dina Stander, who will speak to death care and community. Others will also join us. In addition to speakers, TechnoLegacy/AnalogWake will also feature a Telephone of the Wind and a collaborative community shroud art project.

This is a hybrid offering. Please RSVP to let us know how you are planning to attend and for more information as details unfurl. We look forward to seeing you for this time of community, connection, and creativity. A calendar invitation will follow. Please share far and wide. This event is made possible with support from the PIT@UMass fellowship and Health Tech for the People, a Center for Personalized Health Monitoring research thrust.

SPEAKERS: Tamara Kneese and Dina Stander

WHEN: Friday, December 8, 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

WHERE: Institute of Applied Life Sciences Conference Center; Virtual via Zoom 
