Open Call for Arizona State University’s Postdoctoral Fellow in Artificial Intelligence and Society

The School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University, with the New York Academy of Sciences, is seeking post-doctoral research scholars to join an interdisciplinary team in the area of AI and Society based at the New York Academy of Sciences. Successful candidates will work closely with an ASU faculty member and staff at the New York Academy to develop an individualized mentoring plan, including faculty from ASU’s College of Global Futures as well as others from its Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering and other units. Fellows will participate in a curated education-and-training program consisting of mentorship from academics and teaching at ASU, internships with public, private, and non-profit partners, professional development training, and service-learning through the New York Academy of Sciences programming. Fellows’ time will be shared among New…

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Join DPGA and UNDP’s Effort to Highlight Open Source Solutions at Nobel Prize Summit

In collaboration with the Summit, the Digital Public Goods Alliance (DPGA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have joined forces, with support from Omidyar Network and Craig Newmark Philanthropies, to launch a campaign to source digital public goods that can help combat information pollution and restore information integrity. This global initiative will identify and promote existing open-source digital solutions, as well as concepts for future solutions, that can be scaled to tackle the problem of mis-and disinformation at its roots.  The individuals, organisations, and teams behind selected digital public goods and concepts will receive financial support ranging from $5000 – $10000 USD and have their work highlighted at the Nobel Prize Summit with an aim to enhance their visibility, uptake, and ultimately, their impact. Beyond the Summit, concepts and solutions with particular impact potential…

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March 24 Event | ChatGPT and Education: Hype Versus Reality

In a few short months, many of us have heard of or tried ChatGPT, the large language model (LLM) that generates coherent texts on demand in a broadly accessible chat interface. Many opinions have been voiced about ChatGPT and other natural language intelligence systems, and crucially, how they may affect education and teaching in practice. Are LLMs an unstoppable force for cheating, a powerful tool for learning, or all or none of the above? In this panel we'll bring together multidisciplinary, research-based perspectives on these topics — UMass professors and an alum who are world-leading experts in the large language models, the impact of technology on education, and social implications of language technologies.  In the question period, we invite community members to share examples of what they've seen from ChatGPT in practice.  What have we learned…

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Call for Applications for UMass Amherst Large-Scale Interdisciplinary Research Awards Program

The Provost and the Vice Chancellor for Research & Engagement, in coordination with the Chancellor, have established the Large-Scale Interdisciplinary Research Awards (LIRA) program. LIRA will offer seed funds totaling up to $400,000 to support integrated team efforts to develop large-scale initiatives. The goal of this program is to empower creativity; to promote equitable collaborations, especially those that foster diversity, equity, and inclusion; and to attract substantial external funding. Preference will be given to projects that address large-scale societal problems, with potential for significant impact. The program will provide professional cohort-based training to awarded teams on integrative teaming, equitable collaboration, and budget planning, and research development support for ideation and proposal development. LIRA topic areas should be well aligned with campus strengths, including, but not limited to, strategic emphasis areas, such as Diversity, Equity, and…

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March 3 Event: Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities Shelly C. Lowe to Speak at UMass Amherst

Shelly C. Lowe, chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities, will give a public lecture and Q&A on Friday, March 3, in South College Room E470 at 12:30 p.m. The event, which is open to the public, is sponsored by the College of Humanities & Fine Arts. Registration in advance is required.Following the lecture, Director of Public Interest Technology Francine Berman will moderate a roundtable conversation with HFA faculty on "The Current and Future State of Humanities Research" at 1:30 p.m., also in South College Room W245. Panelists include:Anne Kerth, assistant professor, W.E.B. Du Bois Department of Afro-American StudiesNed Markosian, professor, Department of PhilosophySarah Patterson, assistant professor, Department of EnglishJoseph Pater, professor and chair, Department of LinguisticsEmiliano Ricciardi, associate professor, Department of Music and DanceMalcolm Sen, associate professor, Department of EnglishAnthony Tuck, professor and chair, Department of…

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February 28 Event: EMCON 2023 Spring Seminar Series – Dr. Miriam Bender, UC Irvine’s Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing

On Tuesday, February 28, the Elaine Marieb College of Nursing is presenting a talk by Dr. Miriam Bender, Associate Professor at the University of California Irvine’s Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing. Envelope

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