Associate Professor Ethan Zuckerman Writes in WIRED on the Rise of Small Room Social Networks

  • Post category:In the Media

Associate Professor Ethan Zuckerman authored an editorial for WIRED titled “Social Media is Getting Smaller—and More Treacherous,” where he explores how the rise of “small room” social networks foster communities and spaces for extremist groups to share their ideologies. “Small rooms have a big downside: they’re as useful for Nazis as they are for knitters,” says Zuckerman. “These conversations, insulated from outside scrutiny, can normalize extreme points of view and lead people deeper into dark topics they expressed a passing interest in.” Read more:

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PIT-UN Advocates for Informed Investments and Training in Emerging Technologies: A Proposal to Guide $24 Billion NSF Funding Allocation

Representatives from the Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN), including UMass Amherst PIT Director and Professor Dr. Francine Berman, recently submitted a comprehensive set of recommendations to the National Science Foundation to inform future investment decisions, including how $24 billion in federal funding will be invested and operationalized. The group's recommendations included a call to make stronger efforts to understand the implications of emerging technologies and initiate workplace training programs that utilize a PIT framework.  Read more.

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Dr. Timnit Gebru Featured on Reimagining the Internet Podcast

UMass Amherst PIT Research Director and Associate Professor Dr. Ethan Zuckerman hosts Dr. Timnit Gebru, founder of the Distributed AI Research Institute and co-founder of Black in AI, on his Reimagining the Internet podcast to discuss how society can build just, useful machine learning tools while “saying no to harmful AI.” Listen to the podcast.

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Dr. Francine Berman Provides Insight on Impact of ChatGPT and Teaching

In an article featured last month in OpenAI, UMass Amherst PIT Director and Professor Dr. Francine Berman discussed her experience when integrating ChatGPT into her teaching methods and its potential in enhancing student learning and engagement.  Both the positive and negative impacts were addressed, as well as the importance of acknowledging ethical considerations surrounding its use.   Read article. Envelope

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