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On July 16, 2024, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy convened leaders from across the technology ecosystem to celebrate nearly $100 Million in commitments to advance Public Interest Technology.

The event included speakers and panels to highlight the importance advancing technology that protects our safety, security, democratic values, and human rights while building a robust, inclusive technology landscape that works for everyone in America.

Included in the White House Fact Sheet is mention of the joint commitment from the Ford Foundation, Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, Pivotal, and Siegel Family Endowment of $200,000 to Public Interest Technology New England (PIT-NE) as they continue to develop a regional hub for PIT activities that will develop a responsible technology workforce through cross-institution and cross-sector collaboration. 

Dr. Francine Berman, Director of PIT@UMass Amherst and Co-Chair of the PIT-NE Leadership committee attended the convening in Washington, DC.  PIT-NE plans to use these funds to expand their Impact Technology Fellowship program that supports undergraduate students as they develop projects for community partners and grow their PIT skills. Learn more about the 2024 Impact Technology Fellowship here.