CMPSCI 791TS: Machine Learning and Time Series-2013
Semester: Spring
Offered: 2013
- Course Description: This seminar will focus on models and algorithms for supervised and unsupervised machine learning with time series. Topics will include discrete and continuous time models from machine learning, statistics and econometrics. We will investigate a variety of time series problems including prediction, detection, clustering, and similarity search. Coursework for the one credit option will include paper presentations and quizzes. Students in the three credit option will also complete a course project. Prerequisites include a graduate-level course in machine learning or graphical models, i.e., CMPSCI 689 or CMPSCI 691GM.
- Course Website: The course website is hosted on the UMass Moodle portal. Registered students can access it at: Guest users can log in here using the password “791TSs2013” by clicking the “Login as Guest” button.
- Course Text: Time Series Analysis by Cryer and Chan. This is a Springer Link e-Book available at no cost to UMass students.