CICS Makerspace Scavenger Hunt

Find all these areas within the University of Massachusetts, Amherst campus. Some images show places with interesting views, some show cool things, and others depict out-of-the-way arts or graffiti. Let us know how many you find! We’ll adjudicate using the honor system–we’ll trust you when you say what you found.

If you find them all, stop by the CICS Makerspace in A104 of the LGRC Lowrise to find the next step in claiming your trophy! While some locations can be visualized without physically being there, we encourage you to visit each of these places in person.

Use the map at the end of this page to indicate where each picture was taken. All the pictures were taken from a place depicted on that map, and each picture is accessible by foot. The picture order below has been organized roughly from North to South, and grouped by similar location when possible.

Happy Hunting!