Mobile & Personalized Health
Research and develop innovative sensors, informatics methods, and systems
towards proactive, evidence-based, and personalized healthcare.
- Prpof. Ivan Lee is serving as a Senior Editor for IEEE TBME, the flagship journal for IEEE EBMS.
- Prof. Ivan Lee received an R01 grant from NIH/NICHD via the NSF/NIH Smart and Connected Health program on “A Sensing Platform Monitoring Interactions with Daily Objects to Assess Real-World Motor Performance in Stroke Survivors.” This exciting project is a collaboration between UMass and Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (Mary Ellen Stoykov). Oct 2023. [Media 1, Media 2, Media 3]
- Our research has received the Best Demo Award from IEEE BSN, Oct 2023. [Link]
- Our research was featured in the UMass Magazine article “Form, Meet Function,” Apr 2023. [Link]
- Brandon Oubre (PhD’22) receives the 2021-2022 Outstanding Dissertation Award in the College of Information and Computer Sciences, UMass Amherst, Feb 2023.
- Prof. Lee will serve as the General Co-Chair of IEEE BSN 2023.
- Prof. Lee has been endowed as a Manning Faculty Fellow in the College of Information and Computer Sciences at UMass Amherst, Sept 2022.
- Prof. Lee has served as a Co-Chair of the NIH Review Panel for the NICHD NCMRR Early Career Research Award, July 2022.
- Our alumnus, Dr. Hee-Tae Jung (PhD’19 and Postdoc’22), will join the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor. Congratulations, Hee-Tae.
- Prof. Lee will serve as the Conference Co-Chair of ACM SenSys 2022.
- Prof. Lee has served as an Editor for IEEE EMBC 2022.
- Our recent paper at ACM IMWUT/UbiComp “ShaZam: Charge-Free Wearable Devices via Intra-Body PowerTransfer from Everyday Objects” was invited to be highlighted at ACM Get Mobile.
- Featured Article – “Estimating Ground Reaction Force and Center of Pressure using Low-Cost Wearable Devices” at the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME), April 2022 [Link, Media 1, Media 2].
- Our recent study on “a technology that can potentially enable charge-free wearable devices by transferring power via human skin while users interacting with instrumented daily objects” received multiple media coverages [Media 1, Media 2, YouTube].
- Prof. Lee is selected as a UMass ADVANCE Fellow for catalyzing equity for UMass faculty.
- Prof. Ivan Lee received an R21 grant from NIH on “A Patient-Centered Serious Games for Remote Cognitive Training in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment.” This exciting project is a collaboration between UMass, Rutgers University, University of Montreal, and Woori Soft, April 2021. [Media 1, Media 2].
- Prof. Lee was selected as a Lilly Fellow for Teaching Excellence, April 2021. [Media 1]
- Prof. Ivan Lee has been recognized as a Senior Member of the IEEE.
- Prof. Ivan Lee received an R01 grant from NIH on “Achieving Optimal Motor Function in Stroke Survivors via a Human-Centered Approach to Design an mHealth Platform.” This exciting project is a collaboration between UMass, Harvard Medical School (Paolo Bonato), University of Maryland College Park (Eun Kyoung Choe), and FormSense (Nathan Ramasarma), August 2020. [Media 1, Media 2, Media 3, Media 4].
- Prof. Ivan Lee participated in an international task force examining the role of mobile health technology in COVID-19 pandemic. [Paper, Media 1, Media 2, Media 3, Media 4].
- Featured Article of the Issue – “Estimating Upper-Limb Impairment Level in Stroke Survivors using Wearable Inertial Sensors and a Minimally-Burdensome Motor Task” at the IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering (IEEE TNSRE), March, 2020 [Link].
- Prof. Ivan Lee received an R01 grant from NIH on “Acoustic Sensing-Based Wearable system for Monitoring Social Dysfunction in Schizophrenia.” This exciting project is a collaboration between UMass Amherst (Lee and Xiong) and Harvard Medical School (Holt and Coman), September, 2019. Media: [Media 1, Media 2, Media 3, Media 4].
- Our ongoing research project on the development of batteryless wearable sensors has been featured in a number of press releases: UMass Research Next [Media 1] and MobiHealthNews [Media 2].
- Cover Page Article of the Issue – “Remote Assessment of Cognitive Impairment Level based on Serious Mobile Game Performance” at the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), May, 2019 [Link].
- Brandon Oubre receives an Honorable Mention from the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program, April, 2019 [Link].
- Incoming PhD student Juhyeon Lee received the UMass Amherst CICS Fellowship Award, March, 2019
- Armstrong Fund for Research – Prof. Ivan Lee receives a grant award from the Armstrong Fund for developing a batteryless wearable platform, March, 2019 [Media 1, Media 2, Media 3] .
- NIH Trailblazer Award for Early Career Investigators – Prof. Ivan Lee receives an R21 grant award from NIH NIBIB for developing a wearable system to longitudinally monitor joint function in patients with knee OA, September, 2018 [Media 1, Media 2]
- NSF CRII Award for Early Career Investigators – Prof. Ivan Lee received a Smart and Connected Health Research Grant Award for developing methods to monitor 3D upper-limb movement by leveraging motor control theories, July, 2018.
- Prof. Ivan Lee has been elected as an Associated Member of the Technical Committee on Wearable Biomedical Sensors and System at IEEE Biomedical Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS).
- Neev Kiran receives the 2018 STEM Diversity Fellowship from the College of Information and Computer Sciences, UMass Amherst, April, 2018.
- Xin Liu received the 21st Century Leaders Award at 2018 UMass Amherst Commencement, a campus-wide award given to only handful of outstanding seniors who are graduating [Link].
- Xin Liu received the 2018 Outstanding Undergraduate Achievement Awards from the UMass Amherst College of Information and Computer Sciences (CICS), April, 2018.
- Hee-Tae Jung received a NSF Student Travel Award to attend the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, and Body Sensor Networks (IEEE BHI/BSN’18), Las Vegas, March, 2018.
- Youngkyun Lee received the Commonwealth Honors College Research Assistant Fellowship, UMass Amherst, 2018.
- Xin Liu received the UMass Rising Researcher Award – the most prestigious award given to a handful of undergraduate students across campus, UMass Amherst, Nov, 2017 [Link1, Link2].
- Brandon Oubre received the 2017 Graduate School Fellowship from the College of Information and Computer Sciences, UMass Amherst, Sept, 2017.
- Xin Liu received the Commonwealth Honors College Research Assistant Fellowship, UMass Amherst, 2017.
- Xin Liu received a NSF Student Travel Award to attend the 2nd IEEE/ACM Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems, and Engineering Technologies (IEEE/ACM CHASE 2017), Philadelphia, July, 2017.